If you want to make money online without setting up a full business, then the easiest thing to do is blog. Bloggers can blog about their favorite topics and make a little cash at the same time. It is easy to set up a WordPress blog. You have the opportunity to sell advertising on the posts, sides and bottom of your blog. You can easily use your posts to sponsor ads. Obviously, you must be certain that your blog is functional. The library for WordPress can assist in this area. The following is a list of the best WordPress plugins.

WordPress Maintenance Mode

Consider putting up a page informing your readers of what’s going on when you are working on making modifications to your site and letting them know that your blog will be available again soon. Without the Maintenance Mode plugin, this can be complicated though. You can put up a splash page with the help of Maintenance Mode.

It tells people you’re working behind the scenes and that the site will be back up soon. This system allows you to avoid aggravating your readership by taking your blog down and republishing it repeatedly while you are making the changes you need to implement.

FontPress is a very useful add-on for WordPress. Currently, WordPress employs a limited number of basic fonts that most computers already have.

You need to upload and code any font that isn’t available on the system. You won’t have to do any of the work with FontPress. You can add as many fonts into its library as you like and the system allows you to change font size, line height and more and you already have thirty to play with. You can give your blog a unique style.

When you get to the point where you are working with more than a few blogs, then a WordPress management system can be a VERY valuable tool. find out more about infinitewp and mainwp

If another blog owner links to you, you’ll receive a notification that appears in your comments. These are great, as you always know when others link to your blog. Unfortunately, it happens when you link to your own posts. But all these pings and notifications can cause your blog to slow down. The No Self Pings plugin lets you get around this problem. It keeps you from pinging yourself when you do internal linking for your site. Your blog won’t be slowed down and if you’re moderating your comments, you’ll save time too.

You can make your blog more functional with the help of a wide range of plugins. With increased functionality comes increased success.

While quality content is mandatory, it’s also important to make sure your blog is well-designed. The plugins for WordPress we mentioned in this article are just the tip of the iceberg. As you keep learning and growing, you are going to come up with plenty of others that will help you make your blog the best blog it can be.
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