The Talk
Watching TV – naturally – but today is the Sunday shows – “Face the Nation” – and there is a discussion of race going on. Great piece about how things have come along since the early 60s and integration/voting rights were initially attempted. Conversation about walking across the Pettus bridge – named after a Confederate […]
Raisin bran with a splash of SOY?? – not

OMFG. What the world REALLY needs is Sam Kinnison back. Sam, if you’re up there – if there’s any WAY you can work something out with the REALLY Big Guy – please do so. The world is rife with idiots and imbeciles that need to be called on it. I was sitting here on Sunday […]
Changing the name of Aycock Dorm at ECU

Really?? WRAL (yes, I’m watching the news already this am…) just reported on a meeting to discuss changing the name of Aycock Residence Hall at East Carolina University to something else. Why you ask? Because he was a spokesperson in 1898 and 1900 of white supremacy campaigns. Listen folks, end the wailing, gnashing of teeth, […]
Our thin blue line – get a grip
I sit pretty much in my chair every night. Right here in front of the computer with my TV right next to it. And as such, I watch the news pretty regular. You know what’s getting my goat these days? You’re absolutely right – a LOT of things. But this one in particular – all […]